Academy of Fine Arts in Prague / Prague / Czech Republic
Technika / 500 x 100 cm / laserem řezaný hliník, kovové kuličky, neodýmové magnety, sklo, magnetovec
Georeplication uses a combination of two meanings, geos (from the Greek γεός - terrestrial, terrestrial) and replication, ie restoration, re-introduction, multiplication, duplication. These meanings describe the content of this kinetic device, which completes the rocks according to their energy potential.
The input medium is a mineral called magnetite. This iron ore is the oldest known substance with magnetic properties. The geeplicator works with two main attributes of the magnetite - iron, which forms the majority component of the magnetite, and the magnetic field, which it creates. During georeplication, the magnetic field of the mineral is amplified and it activates its replication process by magnetic action on the Georeplicator. With it, the geeplicator begins to complete the structure of the replicated magnetite with the help of iron particles. The generation of the original structure of the mineral is specifically caused by the transfer of energy through the skeleton of the Georeplicator. The primary impulse is therefore the interaction of the magnetite and the reservoir with iron dust. The magneto attracts the magazine, which is also repelled by the upper pendulum. Initially, the magazine is full and the pulling force of the magneto is the greatest, so the upper pendulum is pushed down by the lower, but due to gravity returns after pushing to the original position and invisible force transmits the initial impulse back to the lower pendulum, which changes the trajectory. The third diversity of motion is the oscillation of the whole structure, which is suspended on the third joint. As the iron particles in the tank gradually decrease, the effect of the magnetite is weaker. When the iron in the Georeplicator tank is depleted, the whole process stops.
As I mentioned above, the replication process takes place through the circular motions of the Georeplicator pendulums. Just as a replicated magneto has two poles, so a kinetic structure has two pendulum centers. The lower and upper edges of the structure also indicate two invisible circles, if we connect these intersecting circles, we get the proportions of the Georeplicator skeleton. The movement here therefore indicates the anchor points from which it is based.
Because the Georeplicator is designed to detect hidden magnetic charge in rocks and then interact with them, I chose Říp Mountain for mineral collection. This memorable place of Czech mythology is shaped like a table mountain with an ellipse-shaped top plateau. And under today's wooded surface, it hides a volcanic past from the Tertiary period.